Hello everybody,
with the shutdown of myOpenID, I came to realise that there are no simple ways to obtain an OpenID from free servers running Free Software. Also, it looks like OpenID is fading out.
Would there be a volunteer to add an alternative identity system to Branchable ? I would be happy to celebrate this by sending saké, tea, or other Japanese goods. Or less cultural items such as Bitcoins or Yens…
Happy new year to everybody,
-- Charles Plessy, Tsurumi, Japan
I'd like to see ikiwiki support BrowserID. At the moment, the best currency to make it happen would be lines of code..
In the meantime, there are google, yahoo, stackexchange, and others that run openid providers. If any Branchable users need to change providers, get in touch with us to update your openid.
It's not too hard to run your own openid provider using the simpleid package, by the way. That's what I use.