I want to move my website to branchable. I presently compile it from this source. I'm happy to change the style quite a bit; the main thing is just to convert the file structure.
This directory maps pretty closely to the web routes.
First, ikiwiki doesn't seem to like !
as a file name; what can I do about that?
[tlevine@wildebeest thomaslevine-branchable]$ g push
Counting objects: 5, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 380 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: From /home/b-thomaslevine/source
remote: d215636..c31e347 master -> origin/master
remote: skipping bad filename !/index.txt
To tl:/
d215636..c31e347 master -> master
Second, foo/index.rst
gets mapped to /foo/index/
rather than /foo/
still redirects to /foo/index/
, but it breaks relative links.
What can I do about this?
The second problem may be able to be dealt with by enabling the indexpages setting. Look for "use page/index.mdwn source files" on the Setup page.
The first problem is probably best handled using Apache RewriteEngine rules. See Is it possible to set up Apache aliases for my blog?
An Apache RewriteEngine rule sounds good for the second thing.
On the first thing, I haven't found that plugin on the setup page, even in advanced mode; the only thing I found was autoindex.
This looks promising. I don't see those options in the setup page, but maybe I can set them in the
file?I also suppose I could just move the files (clean but confusing for me) or use inline (messy but less confusing).
It looks like I broke my site; this returns 500. Any ideas?
It was not you, it was me when I went in to manually tweak the config on the 15th.
(BTW, you're going to want to rename your .md files to .mdwn)