Summary: Tables in Multimarkdown are not rendered properly

Here is the page that demonstrates the bug:

Note that the second table is rendered properly while the first and last tables are clobbered. I expect the first and last table to be rendered without any header rows.

Here is the markdown content.

# Keys

| Notation | How to read it | Where on the keyboard |
| C        | CONTROL key    | CTRL, CTL             |
| M        | META key       | EDIT or ALT           |

# Key Notation

| Notation | What to do                                         |
| `C-x`    | Hold the CONTROL key and type character `x`        |
| `M-x`    | Hold the META or EDIT or ALT key down and type `x` |
|          | Press and release the ESC key and type `x`         |

# Save My Soul

| Task       | Binding   |
| SOS        | `C-g`     |
| Exit Emacs | `C-x C-c` |

This is what is reported when I commit the above page.

emacsprimer@debian-8:~/src/emacs-primer/bugs$ git push
Counting objects: 4, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 616 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 4 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: From /home/b-emacs-primer/source
remote:    41f0c60..875f459  master     -> origin/master
remote: Use of uninitialized value $body in split at /usr/share/perl5/Text/ line 1140.
remote: Use of uninitialized value $body in split at /usr/share/perl5/Text/ line 1140.
remote: Use of uninitialized value $body in split at /usr/share/perl5/Text/ line 1140.
remote: Use of uninitialized value $body in split at /usr/share/perl5/Text/ line 1140.
remote: Use of uninitialized value $body in split at /usr/share/perl5/Text/ line 1140.
remote: Use of uninitialized value $body in split at /usr/share/perl5/Text/ line 1140.
remote: Use of uninitialized value $body in split at /usr/share/perl5/Text/ line 1140.

Here is how it is rendered on my screen

?Screenshot from 2015-12-28 12:44:45.png