I am using the format directive from long time ago without any problem.
However, now I have an issue. When I try to show the following code in my site:
[[!format R """
matx <- cfa [ ['ch2'] ] / 16383
I get what follows in the rendered page. Both, through google chrome and mozilla firefox:
matx <- cfa?span><span class="hl opt"> / 16383
In the format example, I am using spaces after and before each [
and ]
, because otherwise, here in this post, it is not shown as-is but with the very same issue I am actually reporting. To reproduce the problem please remove those spaces.
Also, here in this post. If I set inline this `cfa[['ch2']]` appears this cfa<span class="createlink"><a href="/ikiwiki.cgi?do=create&from=bugs%2FAn_issue_in_the_format_directive&page=__39__ch2__39__" rel="nofollow">?</a>'ch2'</span>
It seems this directives are not showing the code as-is but they are somehow interpreting it.
What's going on here is that the double-brackets make ikiwiki treat it as a wikilink.
This is a known problem in ikiwiki.